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Using Essential Oils Around Pets

Do you have a list of Pup & Pony safe essential oils?

Absolutely! We have compiled a comprehensive list of essential oils that are safe for use around your beloved Pups and Ponies. Please see attached list below. This list includes a wide range of essential oils that have been carefully selected and dee

Are Pup & Pony products the only oils safe to use around my dog?

That's a great question! While our Pup & Pony Safe Line is specifically formulated with your pet's well-being in mind, it's important to note that not all of our oils are suitable for use around dogs. However, we have a carefully curated list of esse

Can I diffuse non-Pup & Pony essential oils around my dog?

When it comes to diffusing essential oils around your dog, it's always best to err on the side of caution and stick with Pup & Pony approved oils. These oils are specifically formulated to be safe and gentle for your furry friend. However, if you hav

When an oil states that it is not Pup & Pony safe, what does that mean?

It means that it is not safe to apply topically or to diffuse around your dog or horse. There are some seasonal oils that you can diffuse around them, but you cannot apply them topically.

Can I use essential oils around my cat?

Cats have a unique sensitivity to essential oils due to the lack of a specific enzyme that helps metabolize the compounds. This can potentially lead to respiratory distress or liver failure. However, you can still enjoy the benefits of essential oils

Are the Multi-Surface Cleaners safe to use around my animals?

At Plant Therapy, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers and their families. While we have chosen not to label our household or body care items as KidSafe, Pregnancy Safe, Nursing Safe, or Pup and Pony Safe, rest assured that we hav

Can Pup and Pony approved essential oils be used on other animals?

At Plant Therapy, we prioritize the well-being and safety of all animals. While our Pup and Pony line of products is specifically formulated and tested for dogs and horses, we strongly advise caution when using essential oils on other animals. For an