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Tincture FAQs

Do Tinctures Have Essential Oils In Them?

We do not add essential oils to alcohol and call it a tincture, nor do we add essential oils to the tincture (herb & alcohol mixture). However, the constituents present in a tincture can be similar to the constituents within that plant’s essential oi

Can You Use Essential Oils & Tinctures Together?

These two products can be very complementary. For instance, if you’re trying to improve sleep, diffusing lavender and drinking a tea with Ashwagandha Tincture added to it can be a great support. However, you would not use them in the same way - at al

What’s The Difference Between Essential Oils and Tinctures?

Essential Oils are made for diffusion and topical application. They are classified as a cosmetic products. We do not recommend ingestion. They are made through steam distillation, cold-pressing, or solvent extraction. An essential oil is much more co

What Type Of Alcohol Is Used?

The alcohol used to create these tinctures is from organic sugar cane.

Why Is The Menstruum A Mixture Of Alcohol And Water?

Can Children Have Tinctures?

This is at a parent’s discretion. Being alcohol-based, we recommend for these for adults, but it is also important to consider how very little alcohol is actually present in a serving size. If parents are comfortable with the alcohol content, this is

Can Pets Have Tinctures?

No. These products are intended for humans. We have not conducted research on use with pets, have no plan on doing so, and therefore do not recommend this. Customers should bring this question to their veterinarian.

Can Pregnant or Nursing Women Have Tinctures?

Due to a general lack of information regarding herbal extracts as they relate to the unique situations of pregnancy and nursing, we do not recommend this. Customers should discuss this with their physician for more information.

Do Tinctures Interfere With Medications?

There is a potential for this. Similar to how we approach essential oils, all medication concerns should be directed toward the customer’s physician. If they are in doubt, they should consult their doctor. We will not provide medical advice.

What Can Tinctures Be Added To?

Water, juice, smoothies, condiments, no-bake recipes, and more! As long as the tincture isn’t exposed to high heat, they can be added to just about anything.

Can Tinctures Be Used Like Essential Oils?

Not really. They are not intended for fragrance purposes - so no diffusing, adding to candles or soaps, or adding to body care products for scent purposes. They can be added to topical products intended for therapeutic use, but at this point we are f

Are Our Tinctures Heavy Metal Tested?

Yes. They are tested for arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead.

Are Our Tinctures Micro Tested?

Yes. They are tested for E.coli, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, yeast, mold, and pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Can Tinctures Be Mixed With Herbs to Make Homemade Capsules?

We wouldn't advise this as it would likely interfere with dosing and introduce unknown variables into the dried herbs to be encapsulated. This could have microbial implications because water content would be added to the dry encapsulated herbs.

What Happens To The Botanical Material After Being Filtered?

The raw materials are disposed of in accordance with local ordinance.

What Is The Alcohol Proof Used?

190 proof alcohol is added to water. Dry extracts: 50% EtOH/50% H20  Fresh extracts: 75% EtOH/25%

What Is The ABV of 1 mL Of Tincture?

Dry extracts: 42-52% ABV;  Fresh extracts: approximately 55-65% ABV.

How Much Tincture Can Be Consumed Before Feeling The Affects of Alcohol?

A standard dose has about as much ethanol as a ripe banana or day old bagel made with yeasted dough. People have different sensitivities to alcohol, therefore, typically a person may begin to experience effects of the alcohol if they consumed 15-20 m

How Much Tincture Can Be Safely Consumed Per Day?

We recommend staying within our label suggestions. The larger concern is not the actual herbal extract, but the amount of alcohol consumed at one time.

Can Different Tinctures Be Mixed Together?

Absolutely! This is very common in practice.

How Is The MG Per Servings Amount Calculated?

The mg is the density of the extract multiplied by the serving size. It is not related to the extract’s potency, which is a common misconception.

Why Do Some Tinctures Have Sediment?

It is common for pure, natural tinctures to have some sediment, which is why we recommend shaking before use. This isn't the herb’s leave/stems/roots/flowers, it’s heavier molecules from the extraction, similar to how certain essential oils have part